There are 17 products
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Warmachine MK4: Orgoth Sea Raiders Core Army Starter$199.99The most ancient enemy of the Iron Kingdoms has returned — the Orgoth Sea Raiders! This Core Army Starter includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE. The s...
Warmachine MK4: Khador Great Bear Heavy Warjack$44.99While not as innovative as the lighter Dire Wolf chassis, the Great Bear sets Khador’s new standard for heavy warjacks. As physically powerful and durable as the Motherland’s last generation of hea...
WM: Mercenary: Maulgreth$12.99His name was lost to memory during the Orgoth Scourge at the end of the last invasion when the defeated host sought to obliterate every record of their passing, down to the very stones of their gri...
WM: Khador: Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova$12.99Ekaterina Baranova is among the most powerful arkanists of her generation. Once the pride of the Greylords Covenant, which she served faithfully in the years following the infernal invasion, Barano...
Warmachine MK4: Cygnar Storm Legion Core Starter$199.99Unleash the power of the elements with the Cygnar Storm Legion! This Core Army Starter includes all the models a player needs to play a 50-point game of WARMACHINE. The set contains...
Warmachine: Cygnar (21004): MKIV Stryker Heavy Warjack$44.99The first wholly galvanic warjack to enter mass production in the service of the armies of Cygnar, the Stryker is powered not by a coal-fueled steam engine but by a mechanikal storm chamber. With a...
Warmachine: Orgoth (22004): MKIV Tyrant Heavy Warjack$44.99If the Jackals are the hunting beasts of the Orgoth warcasters, the Tyrants are their metallic machines of war. Like all Orgoth warjacks, the Tyrants are inhabited by the spirits of fearsome beasts...
Warmachine: Khador (24005): MKIV Dire Wolf Heavy Warjack$44.99Despite the unrest that plagued Khador in the years following the war with the infernals, a war that kept the Motherland from taking advantage of the full fruits of the technological renaissance th...
Warmachine: Orgoth (22005): MKIV Jackal Light Warjack$34.99The Jackal is a monstrous machine, an Orgoth warjack infused with the savage spirit of a ravening beast. Scarred from the ancient memory of their bitter defeat, the Orgoth sought to replicate the f...
WARMACHINE: ORGOTH SEA RAIDERS: TYRANT (MK IV HEAVY WARJACK)$34.99If the Jackals are the hunting beasts of the Orgoth warcasters, the Tyrants are their metallic machines of war. Like all Orgoth warjacks, the Tyrants are inhabited by the spirits of fearsome beasts...
WM: Mercenary: Alexia$12.99Having survived madness, possession, and countless dangers since she first picked up the cursed Witchfire, Alexia has proven herself to truly be a queen of the damned. The blade, said to have been ...
WM: Mercenary: Eiryss$12.99Eiryss was amongst the agents of the Retribution outside Ios when the Sundering separated the quick from the dead. Putting aside her former fanaticism, Eiryss pragmatically devoted herself to the d...
WM: Mercenary: Koldun Lord Damien$12.99Having fled Korsk at the height of Ayn Vanar’s purge of the Greylords, Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik found himself captured by the Orgoth at the start of their invasion. Now forced into foul servitud...
WM: Mercenary: Eilish Garrity$12.99Having bartered his soul to the Nonokrion Order for power, Eilish Garrity began to suffer buyer’s remorse following their defeat in the Infernal War. Saddled with an existential debt to a diminishe...
WM: Mercenary: Prisoner 102822$12.99Now known only by her designation as a convict since all record of her existence was lost during the recent troubles, 102822 was sentenced to serve the Khadoran Empire as a Doom Reaver for her tran...
WM: Orgoth: Horruskh The Thousand Wraths$15.99A savage warlord inhabited by a reckless and renowned spirit from darkest antiquity, Horruskh is among the most formidable warriors in the Orgoth host. Inarguably the scion of an unbroken chain of ...
WM: Cyngar: Major Anson Wolfe$12.99An unsung hero of countless border wars and skirmishes, Captain Anson Wolfe has long served as the senior warcaster at the formidable fortress of Eastwall. In addition to his many battles with Cygn...